As many of you know, I have lost my two heart dogs to very rare circumstances. Angel was my first golden bought in 2003. She died one week from whelping her 12 puppies due to Hydrops Amnion in 2006. It was devastating. You can see more about Angel on her page. I owe so much of what Golden Clover is about to her and her breeder, Julie Speer. LoverBoy was purchased from the Corrals less than a year later when I was looking for a Hobo son and they happened to have saved a puppy back for Beth Johnson. We ended up with a special dog. Thank you God for that! Losing LoverBoy this spring 2011, was just beyond heartbreaking. For six weeks we fought hard to try to figure out what was wrong with him. Purdue vets worked so very hard. He died in May from Mesothelioma which they called a "bad luck" cancer. Anyway, for a year I had planned to breed his daughter ( LoverBoy x Seraph) to Mister DJ, which would be a line breeding on Woodie amongst other goldens. The last week, when Sweetie actually came into season, I discovered that Angel's nephew had his clearances and was available as stud. This was a major last minute decision but here I was, looking at my original Dream litter possibly happening! Angel's sister, Wedge, is Lincoln's dam and LoverBoy is Sweetie's sire. Oh my goodness, this will be a very special litter for our entire family. Even though Savannah was only 3 when Angel died, she remembers her and she has been through all the disappointments we have endured to continue Golden Clover. We have had to return bitches that did not work for us, we had a beautiful dog, Dreamer, develop elbow dysplasia, Seraph had to have an emergency spay, and one of the hardest, was Wynne, a Wedge daughter. She has moderate to severe hip dysplasia! Then our last golden bought for Savannah to show ended up with elbow and hip dysplasia. All of these special dogs have been placed in very, very loving homes (except for Spoof as we are still looking for a good home for her) but we just kept having set-back upon set-back. Savannah and Dakota were involved with LoverBoy and his death was very, very hard for them. Now, we have our Dream Litter in Sweetie x Lincoln. I pray for protection for Sweetie and the puppies. I have placed our first photo of the pups on the website! It is their ultrasound photo taken today. Here we on another adventure. Hopefully, it will be a wonderful Dream adventure!
AuthorThese are my thoughts as I go through this life enjoying my family and my goldens! Archives
October 2011