2009 and 2010 Show News and Accomplishments
LoverBoy is now a CANADIAN CHAMPION!
Krystal Hjort took LB to Sault St. Marie and Dorchester ON, to complete his CCH in May and June of 2010
LoverBoy wins Two Grand Champion Pts. Iced Tea Cluster Muncie IN. August, 10
LoverBoy wins BOS and Two Grand Champion Pts. Marion OH. July, 2010
LoverBoy Wins Best of Breed! Apple Blossom Cluster Kalamazoo, MI. May 25, 09
LoverBoy takes BOB & Sporting Group Third at the Finger Lakes KC Syracuse, New York March 26, 09
LoverBoy Completes His AKC Championship!
He Wins In Style! 5 point Major, BOW and JAM!!!
At the HUGE Louisville Ky. Cluster March 13, 09
LoverBoy takes WD and BOW at Kansas City Golden Retriever Club's Specialty
4 Point Major June 08
LoverBoy takes BOB from the classes and Group Third in Harrisburg, Pa. August 12, 06
See CH. Lakesyde's I Wanna Kiss CGC (LoverBoy's) winning photos on the"LoverBoy standing at stud" page.
Golden Clover's Sweet Carmel Kiss, "Sweetie" is making us proud in 2010!
Sweetie goes Winner Bitch, Best of Winners and BEST OF BREED over a top 10 golden out of the 12-18 month class!
Iced Tea Cluster, Muncie IN, August 19, 10 Thank-you Judge Chris Walkowicz and Heather Blackford, Handler.
Sweetie (Golden Clover's Sweet Carmel Kiss) is a LoverBoy x Seraph puppy.
Sweetie just went RWB at the Kankakee, Il show and took 2nd in sweeps under judge Tom Schultz in December.
Savannah works hard in the Junior Showmanship Ring in 2010
Legend WINS Best of Winners in Auburn, In. March, 10 from 6-9 Puppy Class and MUCH more!
Golden Clover's Carmel Legend
Legend does it again! He is living up to his name. From the puppy classes, Legend went Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Dog, then Winners Dog and Best of Winners at the Marion, OH shows in July/Aug. Way to go Legend! We are proud of you!
And Again! Legend went Winners Dog and BOS and took two Reserve Winners Dog Ribbons at the Marquette MI. shows Sept. 2010. He is standing at 5 AKC Champion points now.
Legend takes 1st place twice in Novi MI., from the 12-18 class and Reserve Winners Dog one time in the show that was just short of pulling a major the Jan 23rd weekend.. Good job!
Thanks to Derek Beatty and Savannah for showing Legend to such perfection!
Oliver Keeps on Winning!
He is working on showing in the Obedience ring soon.
Oliver won FIRST PLACE in the Open Dog class in Marion, OH in July, 10.
Oliver earns two legs for his UKC Senior Jumpers Title in Dock Diving!
Oliver and Sabrina earn their first "leg" for his Rally Novice title at Lebanon, IN Sept. 18th!
Oliver goes Winners Dog at the Iced Tea Cluster in Muncie, IN August 2010
Oliver takes 2nd place in the Indy Classic Open Dog Feb 12, 2011
Oliver Wins AGAIN! and AGAIN!
He was born August 31, 2008. Go team Ollie!
News Flash: Ollie take Winners Dog at Valparaiso, IN (June 09) under Judge Houston Clark for his first point from the 9-12 puppy class!
Harlee and Stryder are making great "Strides" in the ring!
Savannah and LoverBoy win in Madison, Ohio July, 09 to move to OPEN Jrs.
Harlee and LoverBoy move to Open Juniors!
Harlee showed Stryder at the Madison, Ohio shows in July 09. He won his classes. She also showed him in Open Jrs. where she took 4th out of 5 the first day, and 4th out of 10 the third day. This is very good with a wiggly puppy! Go Team Stryder and Harlee!
Lima, Ohio June 09
Savannah and LoverBoy win BEST JUNIOR IN MATCH!
Savannah and Wynn make it "Official!" They Are A Winning Team!
Harlee Wins Jr. Novice with Wynn and LoverBoy in Syracuse NY
Savannah and Wynn receive a first at their first Major Show in Indianapolis, Feb. 09!
Wynn is 20 months old and Savannah is 8 and they competed in their first major show in the Am Bred class. The first day, they got a 2nd place and the next day, they received a first place beating two very accomplished handlers. Savannah had said when she knew Cortney Corral was going to be in the ring, "Oh, I'll never beat her!" Much to Grandpa's great delight, this beautiful young team did win the class. It was exciting as the whole crowd, and it was a nice sized crowd, cheered for them as they made their lap around the ring! Cortney was tickled pink and her joy at seeing Savannah win was heartwarming. It was a fun day!
Harlee and LoverBoy Win!
The Indianapolis show weekend of Feb. 09, was fun for our entire family. Harlee and LB won the Junior Novice Showmanship class and this was Harlee's very first AKC show! She has been practicing throughout the summer and is taking lessons with her new puppy. It was fun to watch her win her first show and LB was a pro as always! We are looking forward to watching this young team as well!