The Fourth Week of Development is a Very Fun Time.
Days 21-28
Pups will be 4 Weeks old on Dec 19th!
Learning, Learning, Learning

Puppies now have the use of all of their senses and it is important to have a nice stable environment and a well adjusted dam to care for the pups. Sweetie is doing a marvelous job, that is for sure! Puppies are introduced to toys, new sounds, loud noises, new enviroments and much imprinting is happening during this week. Exposure to sudden, loud noises when "fear" has not developed will help the puppies learn that things get back to normal quickly and to not be worried by sudden, loud noises. Puppies start to learn discipline at this age when momma tells them "no" with a growl or nip and they learn to back off and become submissive. They also begin a slight pecking order and do a lot of play fighting. Lots of human cuddling and handling is important at this time too.
Pups have also began a small meal of Gerber Rice Ceral and milk replacer to help momma with her duties.
Clicker introduction will begin soon!
Pups have also began a small meal of Gerber Rice Ceral and milk replacer to help momma with her duties.
Clicker introduction will begin soon!